mardi 15 septembre 2009

At the end / in the end

BBC Learning English
Ask about English
1st September 2009
At the end / in the end
A question from Maria in Russia:
What is the difference between the two expressions ‘at the end’ and ‘in the end’?
Trudi Faulkner-Petrova answers:
Maria, I’m glad to hear you find this website useful and hope this answer will help you.
I’m going to start with ‘at the end’ because it's got more than one meaning. It can refer to the
end of a physical location, like ‘at the end of our street’. It can also mean a metaphorical end,
like ‘at the end of the story’ or ‘at the end of the movie’. This phrase can also mean the end
point of a period of time. Some examples of this usage are:
The teacher set some homework at the end of the lesson.
I’m going on holiday at the end of the week.
So, what about ‘in the end’ then? Well, it’s an adverb phrase which means ‘finally’. Here’s an
I complained about the pizza so, in the end, I didn’t have to pay for it.
We waited for an hour and, in the end, we went without her.
Well, I’m ‘at the end’ of my explanation now, so I hope you can successfully discriminate
between the two phrases now

samedi 14 mars 2009

تمرین بابل و تصحیح شده آن

Each morning I regularly wake up at 6 o'clock and I take a shawer, (shower)after that I switch (il faut mettre the)electric coffee-pot on and I (have a cup of coffee)dink my coffee. When I finish to eat breakfast I always chat to my friend. I'am (I'm) learnig english now.


Each morning I regularly wake up at 6 o'clock and I take (have) a shower. After that I switch the electric coffee pot on and I have a cup of coffee. I'm learning English now.

The rest of your writing is fine. Good work. Best wishes, fosnez.

jeudi 12 mars 2009

to caddle = se faire des câlins

to hug = prendre dans les bras

le couple = the couple

boyfriend = le copain
to break up = quitter

love at first sight= le coup de foudre

to get married = se marrier

the bride = la mariée

the marriage= le marriage

to kiss = s'embrasser
the groom= le marié

to be faithful = être fidèleh

to help each other = s'aider

in love = amoureux

the partnership = la relation

the wedding anniversary = l'anniversaire de marriage
1 - Nous nous promenons souvent main dans la main.
1 - we often walk holding hands.

2 - ILs se bécotent en cachette avant l'école.
2 - They snog secretly before school.

3 - Ils sont en couple depuis une éternité.
3 - They have been a couple for a long time.

4 - Ma copine m'a quitté.
4 - My girlfriend broke up with me.

5 - Il prépare un dîner aux chandelles pour la Saint-Valentin.
5 - He is preparing a candele-lit diner for Valentine's day
1 - Je me sens si seul aujourd'hui .
1 - I feel so lonely today.

2 - Je suis fiancée depuis quatre mois !
2 - I've been engaged for four months !

3 - The groom looks very young.
3 - Le marié a l'air très jeune.

4 - Tu peux me prendre dans tes bras ?
4 - Can you take me in your arms ?

5 - Ils s'embrassent sur la joue
5 - They kiss on the cheek.

6 - I'm so in love.
6 - Je suis tellement amoureux

7 - Que serait une vie sans câlin ?
7 - What kind of a life would it be without cudding ?

8 - My best friend is getting married and I will be the best man.
8 - Ma meilleur amie se marie et je vais être son témoin.

mardi 10 mars 2009

les mots

réveiller trop tard
se réveiller tard,
se réveiller trop tard
ongoing (adj.)
en cours

on mondays, I weigh myself
TO weigh :

On weekends she always rides her bike to work

to switch on

teapot , kettle

Electric Kettle with Teapot

electric kettle

mercredi 4 mars 2009


1 - It is exasperating !
1 - Je commence à désespèrer !

2 - They are shooting a film in my street.
2 - On est en train de tourner un film dans ma rue.

3 - He wears a bright blue suit.
3 - Il porte un costume bleu clair.

4 - Will we see each other again ?
4 - On va se revoir ?

5 - She is small and fat.
5 - Elle est petite et grosse.

6 - What kind of a life would it be without cuddling ?
6 -Que serait une vie san câlin.


1 - The amplifier is making strange noises.
1- L'amplificateur fait des bruits bizarres.

2 - He has short straight hair.
2 - Il a les cheveux court et lisses.

3 - I love this actress.
3 - J'adore cette actrice.

4 - My grandfather is very old.
4 - Mon grand père est très vieux.

5 - Many artists are supposed to live in this quarter.
5 - Il parraît que beaucoup d'artistes habitent dans ce quartier.

6 - I'm pretty smell and I have red hair.
6 - Je suis assez petit et j'ai les cheveux roux.

mardi 3 mars 2009

ski run = la descente
ski boots = les chaussures de ski
downhill skiing = le ski alpin
to ski = skier
cross-country skiing = le ski de fond
ski helmet = le casque de ski
sledge = la luge
cross-country ski run = la piste de ski de fond
ski = le ski
binding = la fixation
slope = la pente
to wax = farter

snow board = le snow board
to polish = cirer
to go ice-skating = faire du patin à glace
winter sport = le sport d'hiver
ski wax = le fart
ski stick = le bâton de ski

shose size = la pointure
ski goggles = les lunettes de ski

I wante to learn how to ski.
1 -Je veux apprendre à skier.

2 -The slope is too steep.
2 -la pente est trop raide.

3 -It's not the right size.
3 - ce n'est pas la boone pointure.

5 -Do you snowboard or ski .
5 -Tu fais du snowboard ou du ski.

sharpen edges = affûter les carres

6 -The binding is too tight.
6 - La fixation est trop serrée



ski hut - snow cat ( dameuse )

ski hut

Snow Cat may refer to:
Snowcat, a truck-sized snow vehicle.
Sno-Cat, a vehicle designed for snow conditions.



Une dameuse est un véhicule sur chenille s spécialement fait pour resurfacer la neige des pistes de ski ou des pistes de motoneige . …

lundi 2 mars 2009


ski rental = la location de ski
Ski instructor = le moniteur de ski
Iced over = verglacé
Ski hut = le chalet d'alpage
Snow cat = la dameuse
To lend = louer


steep = rapide
piste = la piste
danger of avalanches = le danger de l'avalanche
ski course = le cours de ski
skier = le skieur
valley ran = la descente jusqu'à la vallé


1 - Where can I borrow skis.
2 -Où est-ce que je peux louer des skis.

2 -I would like to enrol for a ski course.
2- Je voudrais m'inscrire à un cours de ski .

3 -What time do the first lifts go up.
3 -Les remonte-pentes marchent à partir de quelle heure.

4 -I would like a ski pass for two days.
4 -Je voudrais un forfait de ski pour deux jours.

5 -The piste is iced over.
5 - La piste est verglacée.

6 -The piste is closed.
6 -La piste est fermée

Holiday = les vacances